Upload Faster Than Download Torrent

  1. Wifi Upload Faster Than Download
My internet package details minimum download speeds of 1mbps with maximum speeds of 2mbps. For some reason I have not been getting those speeds at all. Infact, I have been getting 1mbps UPLOAD speeds and 0.20-0.50mbps download speeds. Is there any reason my upload speeds would be so much higher than my download speeds? I've tried fiddling with my router by changing the DNS (to Google servers), changing the wifi channels, connecting directly to my router with an ethernet cable, etc. but nothing seems to be working. My ISP sent me an email that their servers show I am getting over 1.2mbps download speeds with a graph visually detailing the speeds, yet I have not been getting that.
There is no one else connected to my router, I have checked several times, and I don't have any background processes on my computer that would affect my speeds. At this point I have no idea why my speeds are the way that they are. Anyone have any clue what could be wrong?
(It's the same on my mobile device as well).

For most homes and small businesses, the data download rate is faster than the upload rate. Additionally, if someone is serving up data to many people at once (or if others in the home are using the Internet for their own purposes), the data rates are likely to be divided among various processes and recipients. In this case, you cannot achieve upload speeds faster than 4 Mbps without upgrading your service. If you are not satisfied with your upload speed, you'll need to troubleshoot your network.


Wifi Upload Faster Than Download

I am using a 256 kb/s broadband connection. In speed test i found my download speed around 380 kbps and upload speed around 340 kbps. But while downloading a torrent file mostly I get a download speed of 40kb/s with a upload speed of arounf 5-20 kb/s. Why is my torrent upload speed WAY faster than my download speed? For my last few torrent downloads (either individually or combined), my upload speed has been a ridiculous 900kB/s or more while my download speed only stays around 60kB/s. Upload speeds offered are many times less than download speeds. Most ISPs in the U.S. Provide largely asymmetric connections, upload speeds are on average 15 times slower than download speeds. There are numerous ways to download torrent files as fast as you can. Here are 10 tips on how to make uTorrent faster that you can try right now! Your download and upload speed; As you can see in the image below, the author of this article has a 98Mbps Internet speed. To see how fast you can actually download files from the Web. Jun 21, 2015  But while downloading a torrent file mostly I get a download speed of 40kb/s with a upload speed of arounf 5-20 kb/s. Except some fresh file with too much high seeds I can get a download speed around 1mb/s. But in some of the file my upload speed goes above floor around 4-10 mb/s while my download speed remains at around 40kb/s.