Project M Pat Edition Iso Download

[UPDATED AS OF 9/03/16 PLEASE REDOWNLOAD] This build is running off of PyotrLuzhin's PM + BrawlEx v0.4 Template. Without him this build would not have been possible AT ALL.
**Updates are planned, but not sure when.
If this whole build fits on your 2GB SD Card, then it may work hacklessly. A 4GB+ SD Card (and Homebrew) is highly recommended!
There are 97 characters in this build at the moment + more already confirmed!
*Note* Knuckles, Lyn, and Isaac are NOT from Project M CC or the Dev Build, nor are any of those versions included in this pack.
Also, please do not reupload the characters individually, I edited them to be compatible with Project M the best I could, so don't be that guy. FULL CREDIT TO ALL THE AMAZING PEOPLE THAT MADE THESE PSAs! I only made them compatible with Project M! Please credit me and the PSA creators if you use these versions.
Thank you all for downloading my Project M EX build, Some of the EX Characters have recieved a small balance change to improve
the overall experience + 6 new characters & 8 L-Loadable characters have been added, bringing the total to 97 total characters with more on the way!
New stages are also added, some have 2 ALT stages, simply Hold either 'L' or 'Y' to select the stage. L for the Left stage / only ALT stage,
or 'Y' for the right / second ALT stage. A few of the cloned characters have been 'decloned' and are still in 'development'.
Smash 4 Team Battle Auras are available in this build! All of the default Project M cast has been reverted to 3.6's balance changes.
This build is 95% safe with the Dolphin Emulator, that was the main way I've tested this build. It has a few random freezes,
but could be due to the newly added Stage Expansion.
I cannot guarantee Wii won't have issues or freezes, and in the event it freezes on the Wii, try to see if you can replicate the issue at least twice before letting me know. Also, I can also only guarentee that VS Mode would be the only and safest option. I do not know if single-player, classic, or any other mode is compatible with Project M EX.
Also, again, this is my personal build that I am sharing, so if you see some stuff that you don't like (cosmetic changes, possible costumes, etc) don't message me complaining or asking me to replace it. You can simply replace the cosmetic with whatever you want. I made a lot of sacrfices to some of the Alternate Costumes Project M had introduced starting with PM 3.0. If your favorite ALT has been removed, sorry, but this is my custom build.
More is expected, but needs to be completed!
- Few random freezes may happen when they otherwise would not, please be aware
- Ryu and Wolf together at the same time cause graphical conflicts with their moves, try to avoid having these two fight
- A clone fighting the same base character will cause smaller graphical inconsistencies with moves like sword slashes and glows
- A clone or base character may be mute after the initial match with the clone, to resolve, unpick and select another character
- Most clones are mute, this is not a glitch; it is intentional, but something worth mentioning
- All non-native Project M characters will T-Pose for 1-Frame during initial Shield Animation
- Dixie Kong has an issue with her pupils
- Fed. Soldier will have a tranqulizer dart if playing with Snake in the same match
- If Link or Toon / Young Link is chosen, and then Bomberman, Bomberman will not have visible bombs
- Isaac may T-Pose or freeze in place if using down-special, unsure why, seems to be random
- Classic and All-Star Mode will freeze if 'Pokemon Trainer' shows up (mostly the individual Pokemon)
- Daisy will Freeze the game upon getting the Smash Ball. Avoid it at all costs.
- Lara Croft will swim infinitely upward if you use down special before landing in water, hold left or right to kill yourself to respawn
- Deoxys may freeze the game if doing Final Smash / getting the Smash Ball
- [Wii Only] Deoxys has a graphical glitch when performing B + A neutral special
- All-Star Special Mode can freeze randomly on Wii, use at your own risk. (Works fine on Dolphin)
- Super Sonic's Final Smash may Crash the Game
- Tails may have some moveset errors
- Clear Mode may freeze for some characters
- Simon Belmont has a few graphical glitches, not game breaking though
- Scorpion and Sub-Zero may lag the game
- Some Stages [Expansion Version Only] may lag terribly on Wii
- Team Auras will not work with Team Attack off
- Sephiroth is not OP, but his range is very good. He is still in 'development' for PMEX.
Mario --- Shadow Mario with FLUDD / 'Sm4sh' Mario
Bowser --- Giga Bowser
Wario --- Wario-Man
Ice Climbers --- Sopo
Jigglypuff --- Big Jigglypuff
Lucario --- Mega Lucario
Young Link --- Fierce Deity
Link --- Dark Link
Ganondorf --- Pig Ganon
Metaknight --- Brawl Metaknight / Maskless Metaknight
Sonic --- Super Sonic
Ness --- Robo Ness
These will be marked by an ' L ' Icon on the CSS screen for these characters, don't worry. And yes, some were made with the intention of being a bit over-powered compared to normal characters. They are, however, not completely OP, so they will be manageable in a fight.
Except Wario-Man, he's Broken.
ALSO: Bomberman and Shulk are placeholder's until PyotrLuzhin releases his Bomberman PSA, and KTH & Calikingz01 release the Shulk PSA. So expect an update(s) when those happen!
Also, just like anything else PMEX related, full credit to PyotrLuzhin for making all this possible + the PMBR for making PM possible!
Posted by4 years ago

Jul 07, 2016  Project M Patt Edition: Development Permanently Discontinued. Then download the Revived Project M Patt Edition 3.6 and extract the contents to the SD Card merging any folder and replacing any file it asks you to. Please Help Or Can You Plz Send Me The Iso Through Skype, Thnx. Download is Linked In the Description** This is a compilation I have gathered of the coolest character models and UI updates and placed them over top the. R r Commentated Tutorial On how to install Project M Patt Edition On a Hackles Wii;) Download Project M Patt Edition. Yah the only reason I didn't change up the characters (I have used Goku and Naruto doesnt work too well with Project M, is again, because of the desire to make this an amped version of project m. I wanted to keep the balancing the same. This is asuming you have USB loader gx, a brawl iso and the homebrew channel installed. If not i'm assuming you know what google is. Download PattPack+Homebrew version of project m. Put all folders in the project in your SD card except for apps.


Patt Anderson With Another Update to Project M Patt Edition!

Hello. I'm Patt! This is a content mod for Project M 3.0.2 that adds alot of character skins, stages, music and graphical changes to Project M making it a whole lot more party oriented.

I just recently added a lot more character skins, stages and music to my pack upon request by a lot of fans so have fun. This is an update to 10th edition (-10) and is known as -11.

Enjoy! (All of the videos are fan made so I am not responsible for the quality :P)

Thanks everyone for your support and spread the word (it's more fun that way)


Project M Pat Edition Iso Download Free


Updated all characters to newest smash 3 release

updated toon zelda to cel shaded

update ganondorf to mixed v1

Project M Pat Edition Iso Download

updated lucina to newer model

updated flygon over charizard

updated roy over wario

updated little mac on captain falcon

updated knuckles on sonic

update metal sonic on sonic

updated Yuna’s (Zelda) CSP

updated Roy's (Wario) BP


replaced feraligator charizard with Ho-oh skin

replaced little lucario with sceptile over lucario

replaced sanji with soothe over sheik


replaced pirate wolf with general pepper over wolf

replaced striker mario with pac man

replaced king bulbin with nabbit over wario

replaced cloud with classic version over ike

replaced sephiroth with better skin over roy

replaced maxwell with Ninten over ness

repalced punch guy with masked man over ness

replaced pacman with blaze the cat on sonic

replaced nidoking with mecha bowser over bowser

replaced diablo with Myotismon

replaced nidoran with Spyro over ivysaur

replaced aqua with axel over marth

replaced green bird sonic with leon over falco

replaced dark samus with arbiter over samus

replaced cloister with demidevimon over metaknight

replaced megaman with PED samus over samus

replaced bomb kid with Ty over toonlink

Project M Pat Edition Iso Download

replaced pirate yoshi with guilmon over yoshi

replaced non masked man lucas with mumbo jumbo over Lucas

replaced bowser with gruntilda over dedede


reorganized SSS to group stage themes together

replaced mushroomy kingdom 1 with acorn plains

replaced tournament stage (dragon ball) with bombomb battle field

replaced sei-an city with vs. bowser

replaced vs. bowser with metamine

replaced going merry with normal pirate ship

replaced sacred realm with simpler transitions version

Replaced final destination melee with wii u version

replaced super mario world stage with Deku Palace

replaced venom with wily’s castle

replaced green grove with arena zerox

replaced pokemon stadium with indigo league stadium

replaced sky world with new sky world

replaced orphans cradle with northern crater

Project M Pat Edition Iso Download Mac


Project M Pat Edition Iso Download Free

Normalized all audio tracks

Project M Pat Edition Iso Download Full

Added monolith announcer

Project M Pat Edition Iso Download Windows 7

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