Download a free Form I-134, Affidavit of Support to make your document professional and perfect. Find other professionally designed templates in TidyForm. You have to fill I-134, Affidavit of support form, if you need to show that you can financially support your relatives (or anyone else) visiting the U.S. Download a blank fillable Form I-134, Affidavit Of Support in PDF format just by clicking the 'DOWNLOAD PDF' button. Open the file in any PDF-viewing software. Adobe Reader or any alternative for Windows or MacOS are required to access and complete fillable content.
I-134 is known as 'Affidavit of Support' form. This form must be submitted along with the application of visitor Visa if the trip is sponsored.
General instructions:- The form should be printed back to back on one single page.
- Only one form required for one family (example: inviting parents). No need of separate form if inviting parents or in-laws.
- Note : No need to notarized
Following are the general guidelines to fill this form. Depends on individual's status and circumstances, the information to be filled may vary. This is provided to you as a convenience and basic guidelines. Please must provide the information most appropriate in your case.
Start of the form | Your Name and current US residence address. |
Question 1 | Your Date of birth in Month/day/year format
Question 2 | Your age in completed years example : 32 , and date since when you are residing in USA ( the date format would be MM/DD/YYYY) |
Question 3 | Information about the applicant person/family you are sponsoring. Provide full name as per the passport in the applicant if visitor.
Question 4 |
Note :
Question 5 | Names of dependents of your immediate family ( Spouse and Child). If your spouse is not working, you should check 'Wholly Dependent'. If your spouse is working, you should check 'Partially Dependent'. |
Question 6 | If you have submitted affidavit of support Form (I-134) for anyone before, write the names and dates here. Provide the approximate date if you don't remember the exact date. |
Question 7 | This question is only for US Citizen who filed family based immigrant sponsorships( Green Card) form I130. For a non-immigrant visa holder ( like H1, L1 etc) or GC holder this question is logically not applicable so write None or N/A. |
Question 8 | You should check the box 'I intend'. You should also write 'I will take care of all the expenses including travel, lodging, boarding, food, medicare and all other expenses during their stay with me in USA. |
Sign and Date |
- Take a photocopy for your record.
- Must provide accurate and correct information.
- Must fill it up cleanly.
- Make sure that the its not too old when you send it to the applicant, usually more then 2 months old's are not considered by authorities.
- If you have questions or confusion, ask in our discussion forum.
Related Information:
- See a sample completed form : Form I134 Sample
- Step by Step information to sponsor USA Visitor Visa USA Visitor Visa Guide
What is Form I-134?

Form I-134 (Affidavit of Support) is an USCIS form for visa applicants with sponsorship. Under Section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the U.S. government agencies can bar foreign nationals from entering the country if the individual is likely to become a public charge. In Form I-134, applicants must provide a valid sponsorship and demonstrate that they will not become a public charge while in the United States. A public charge is someone who cannot independently support themselves financially and must rely on government aid. In addition to individual applicant filing the form, each sponsor must file a separate I 134.
To obtain the form, you can visit the USCIS website and download a copy. Alternatively, you can call the USCIS customer service line at 1-800-375-5283 and ask a form to be mailed to your residence. While some USCIS forms require filing fees, Form I-134 is filed free of charge. If applicants must file forms with fees during the immigration process, check
If applicants must file additional forms that require filing fees during the immigration process, check if you qualify for a fee waiver Form I-912.
Please note that this Affidavit of Support is for foreign nationals who are planning on visiting the United States on non-immigrant visas. Also, Form I-134 is not legally binding. Not all foreign travelers going into the United States will need to find a sponsor to fill out Form I 134 for them. Only if the U.S. Consular officer deems that the individual or family who is planning a trip to the United States is not financially able enough to cover the cost of the trip and back, or if the foreign national is uncertain if their assets will be enough to prove they will not be a public charge, should you plan to find a sponsor for the Affidavit of Support.
What is the Difference between I-134 and I-864?
Latest I 134 Form Download Pdf
Most foreign nationals that petition through family member sponsorship require an Affidavit of Support form. However, there are two versions of the Affidavit of Support: Form I-134 and Form I-864. While both forms are to demonstrate the applicant entering the U.S. is a lawful person capable of financially supporting oneself, there a differences in the forms.
Form I-864 is a legally binding document that supports that the applicant will not become a public charge and can financially support oneself. A public charge is someone who poses a financial burden on the society and cannot independently support themselves. I-864 is used by a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident who is sponsoring a family member’s green card. You can learn more about requirements of Form I-864.
Form I-134 is a non-legally binding document that serves a similar purpose as Form I-864. Unlike I-864, I-134 is used by non-immigrant visitor visas. Examples include applicants entering the U.S. on tourist or student visa. (e.g., J-1 Visa) Applicant should pay attention to which form is required as filling out the wrong form can lead to petition rejection. For the Fiance Visa, K-1 Visa, although the foreign national is traveling to the United States to marry a United States citizen, it does not count as an immigration visa. Therefore, those planning to travel on a K-1 Fiance Visa must use Form I 134 Affidavit of Support rather than Form I 864 Affidavit of Support.
Latest I 134 Form Download 2016
For foreign nationals who are entering the U.S. on an immigrant visa or are seeking permanent residence status, their sponsor must file Form I-864 rather than Form I-134.
How do I Fill Out Form I-134?
Form I-134 instructions is comprised of 7 sections. Follow the instructions below to fill out Form I-134. If applicants have complex immigration situations, it is advised to seek legal professionals.
Part 1. Information about You (the Sponsor)
In this part, the sponsor filling out the form must disclose personal information. The following information is required about the sponsor:
- Sponsor’s name
- Date of birth
- Alias for the sponsor
- Mailing and physical address
- Identification numbers (e.g., Social Security Number)
- Citizenship or permanent resident status

Part 2. Information about the Beneficiary
In this part, the sponsor filling out the form must disclose personal information about the beneficiary. (e.g., relative) The following information is required about the beneficiary:
- Beneficiary’s name
- Date of birth
- Physical address
- Marital status and immediate family information
Part 3. Other Information about the Sponsor
In this part, the sponsor must disclose financial situation to ensure the sponsor is a lawful and financially independent person:
- Employment status
- Employer information
- Income and asset information
- Real estate information
- Dependents’ information
Part 4. Sponsor’s Statement, Contact Information, Certification, and Signature
In this part, the sponsor must fill out the following information:
- Sponsor’s statement
- Sponsor’s contact information
- Sponsor’s signature
Part 5. Interpreter’s Contact Information, Certification, and Signature
This is an optional section. If the sponsor is using an interpreter during the visa process, the form requires the following information about the interpreter:
- Full name
- Mailing address
- Contact information
- Certification
- Signature
Part 6. Contact Information, Statement, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Affidavit, if Other Than the Sponsor
This is an optional section. If the form I-134 is filled by someone other than the sponsor, disclose information about the form preparer.
- Full name
- Mailing address
- Contact information
- Certification and statement
- Signature
Part 7. Additional Information
This is an optional section. If answers to previous sections did not fit the provided space, the sponsor can fill in additional details using Part 7.
Important Information About Submitting Form I 134 Affidavit of Support
The sponsor of the foreign national should not submit the Affidavit of Support to USCIS or any government agency, Once the sponsor has filled out his or her portions of the form, please send or give the completed form to the foreign national you are sponsoring. The non-citizen will include Form I 134 with their other materials needed to apply for a nonimmigrant visa with the U.S. Consulate in his or her home country.
*Forms that have been faxed, scanned, or emailed will likely be rejected by the U.S. Consulate’s office. To ensure the highest likelihood of approval, send the original copy that includes your signature in ink to the foreign national you are sponsoring.