Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Download

Hoard of the Dragon Queen with Supplement.pdf 9 torrent download locations thepiratebay.se Hoard of the Dragon Queen 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Other E-books 4 days monova.org Hoard of the Dragon Queen with Supplement.pdf Other 1 day idope.se Hoard of the Dragon Queen with Supplement.pdf books 5 months torrentdownloads.me Hoard of the Dragon Queen with Supplement pdf Ebooks. Download the Book:Hoard of the Dragon Queen (D&D Adventure) PDF For Free, Preface: Fight the War Against Draconic Oppression in this Adventure for the.

The Hoard of the Dragon Queen monster supplement will be available for download on August 8, 2014, at DungeonsandDragons.com. You’ll also want to have a copy of the basic rules for D&D, available for free on our website. Each episode of the adventure contains a “Designing D&D Encounters Sessions” sidebar that talks about.


Why is Hoard of the Dragon Queen such a bad adventure? Here are the 10 Most Anticipated Tabletop RPGs Of 2019! Maybe Rise of Tiamat will have more room for PCs to deal with their own subplots but Hoard of the Dairy Queen doesn't. IMHO, that's a problem of players expectation verses adventure expectations, if your players don't know what. Hoard of the Dragon Queen Tyranny of Dragons. Find a store near you. The necessary statistics for running this adventure without the Monster Manual or Dungeon Master's Guide is available for download. Item details. Price: $29.95 C$35.00. Apr 21, 2017. Some issues: Characters begin at 1st level, and by the end of Hoard of the Dragon. As rough as the starting encounters from Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

The artist has put images/maps up for Hoard of the Dragon Queen, which is the big Adventurer's League storyline this season, up on his online store. The maps look great, and if all you want to use it for is Roll20, you can just download the sample image. I could probably get a better quality image from taking a picture on my smart phone and scaling it up, but this is far less work.
But do the artist a solid and buy a few. I'm sure they are spectacular at their actual size.

If you plan to run Hoard of the Dragon Queen with miniatures, here are a few suggestions on what you might use and how many you’ll need in Chapter 1. The counts are based on the maximum number you’re likely to need at one time, not the total that appear in the chapter.


Castellan Escobert the Red

Dwarf Maulfighter (Desert of Desolation 4).


Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Pdf Free

Unfortunately, this miniature doesn’t have a red beard.
Unless, of course, you repaint it.

Eadyan Falconmoon

Village Priest (Angelfire 12).

Governor Tarbaw Nighthill

Purple Dragon Knight (Dragoneye 7) or
Dragon Knight (Dungeon Command: Heart of Cormyr)

Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, Half-Blue Dragon

Half-Red Dragon Fighter (Tyranny of Dragons 36).

You’ll just have to pretend he’s blue. There don’t appear to be any good prepainted miniature options for a half-blue dragon/dragonborn short of painting one yourself.

Lennithon, Adult Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon (D&D Attack Wing).

Although a bit small, I like the Attack Wing version of this Blue Dragon because it can be made to fly high over the battlefield by adding multiple pegs (something that’s not possible with the Tyranny of Dragons version).

Linan Swift, her husband, and children

Healer (Archfiends 9)
Man with Hoe (Reaper Townsfolk V)
Townsfolk Children (Reaper)

These reaper minis are metal, not plastic.

Sergeant Markguth

Human Fighter (Dungeons of Dread 35 or 4eGD4/5 Promo)

Other Creatures

Acolyte (x1)

Doomdreamer (Legendary Evils 11) or
Cultist of the Dragon (Archfiends 48)

Ambush Drake (x2)

Guard Drake (Tyranny of Dragons 22).

There is no official 5th Edition Ambush Drake miniature, but the Ambush Drake will do in a pinch. And for the ambitious, you can always repaint it.

Cultist (x7)

Doomguard (Bloodwar 47)
Shadar-Kai Warrior (Lord of Madness 42)

The cultists are described as not wearing any particular regalia and are made up of, at least in part, mercenaries. These minis seem to fit the bill.


Cult of the Dragon Enforcer (Tyranny of Dragons 20)

Mostly matches the picture on page 71 of Hoard of the Dragon Queen, makes you wonder why the miniature got a different name.

Female Prisoner

Prisoner (Promo repaint D&DC54) or
Prisoner (Night Below 40)

Guard (x4)

Caravan Guard (Angelfire 1)

Keep Defenders (x20+)

Sharn Redcloak (Demonweb 44)
Human Town Guard (Lords of Madness 22)
Dalelands Militia (Archfiends 2)
Greyhawk City Militia Sergeant (Night Below 13)
Human Crossbowman (Dragoneye 5)
City Guard (Giants of Legend 23)

A selection of guard miniatures to man the battlements of the keep. Want their stats to match the minis? Add the following to the Guard statblock:

Armor Class: 16 (chain shirt, shield) or 14 (no shield).

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Glaive/Halberd.Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10 + 1 slashing damage).

Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Longsword.Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1 slashing damage or 6 (1d10 + 1) slashing damage if used two-handed.

Kobold (x22)

Kobold Slinger (DDM4 27)
Kobold Fighter (Tyranny of Dragons 5)
Kobold Soldier (Angelfire 44)

Kobold Skirmisher (Dragoneye 35)

A majority of the time you won’t need more than 5 or so kobolds, but the “Sanctuary” mission involves 22. Although the Kobold stat block is statted out with slings and daggers, I chose to include minis bearing spears/javelins and bows for variety.

Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Walkthrough

If you want the stats to match the minis, just add the following:

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft or range 30/120, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Shortbow/Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Winged Kobold (x1)

Dragonwrought Kobold(Dragon Queen 32)

Swarms of Rats (x2)

Rat Swarm (Pathfinder Skull & Shackles 2) or
Rat Swarm (Savage Encounters 28)

Hoard of the dragon queen guide

I prefer the paint job and the sculpt of the Pathfinder miniature, but the flatter D&D mini makes it possible to slip the figure underneath another when they’re sharing the same space.

Townsfolk (x6+)

Anirion Wood Elf (Reaper Bones)
Balto Burrowell Gnome Wizard (Reaper Bones)
Juliette Female Sorceress (Reaper Bones)
Lem Iconic Bard (Reaper Bones)
Mother With Children (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Innkeeper (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Blacksmith (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Grandmother (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Village Rioter (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Strumpet (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Undertaker (Reaper Bones)
Townsfolk: Wench (Reaper Bones)
Man with Hoe (Reaper Townsfolk V)
Man with Sickle (Reaper Townsfolk VIII: Village Mob)
Woman with Rolling Pin (Reaper Townsfolk VIII: Village Mob)
Man with Pitch Fork (Reaper Townsfolk VIII: Village Mob)

The Reaper Bones minis are great for when you need to throw in a few townsfolk (“Seek the Keep”, “Wandering Encounters”, “Sanctuary”). Since they are unnamed NPCs I just use the unpainted miniatures.

Hoard Of The Dragon Queen Download Free

The non-Bones minis in the list are made of metal.