Download Earlier Version Of Itunes

If you have an iPhone or iPod, or use Apple Music, iTunes is pretty much a requirement. Macs come with it already installed, but if you use Windows or Linux, or need a different version than the one you have, you'll need to download iTunes.

The Evolution of iTunes, from Version 1.0 to Today

Update to the Latest Version If You Already Have iTunes

If you already have iTunes installed on your computer and just want to update to the latest version, things are pretty simple. Just update the program and you'll have the new version — with its new features, bug fixes, and device support — in no time.

For example, iTunes Library 2018-03-22.itl or similar. Make a duplicate of the file and move it to the previous folder titled 'iTunes'. When the duplicate has been moved, rename it to iTunes 'Library.itl' Finally, visit the Apple iTunes Download page and look for your preferred version. For example, 'iTunes 12.6.2' and choose to download.

How to Update iTunes to the Most Current Version

Where to Download the Latest Version of iTunes

If you don't have iTunes yet, you can always get the latest version from Apple's website. When you visit the link below, it will detect if you're using a Mac or Windows and will automatically offer you the right version of iTunes for your computer and operating system.

  • The History of iTunes and Its Major Versions. Search the site GO. IPhone & iPod. Key Concepts Basics Installing & Upgrading Guides & Tutorials. If you need to download old versions of iTunes, you can download all previous versions, for both Mac and Windows, below.
  • ITunes 10.5.2 is one of the most popular programs for managing music and video content on a personal computer, Apple's iTunes software has become an i. About iTunes iTunes is a digital media player, written by Apple Computer, for playing and organizing digital music and video files.
Download iTunes
Can i download old version of itunes

Download iTunes for Windows 64-bit

If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, it's important to download the 32-bit version of the program. However, if you're using a 64-bit edition of Windows, you can actually download the 32-bit or 64-bit version.

Grab the 64-bit edition of the latest version of iTunes or the 32-bit edition.

Where to Download iTunes for 64-Bit Windows

Where to Get iTunes for Linux

Apple doesn't make a version of iTunes specifically for Linux, but that doesn't mean Linux users can't run iTunes. It just takes a little more work.

How to Run iTunes on Linux

Download Links for Old Versions of iTunes

If you need a version of iTunes that's not the latest — and you've still got a computer that can run, say, iTunes 3 — getting the right software isn't impossible, but it's not easy, either.

Apple doesn't provide download links for really old versions of iTunes, though you can usually find a few versions if you poke around Apple's site long enough:

If you need something older or a download missing from Apple's site, visit a software archive site like or Those websites have cataloged really old iTunes versions as far as back as iTunes 4, which was released in 2003.

After you've downloaded the version of iTunes you need, you'll need to install it on your Mac or use the download to set up iTunes on Windows.

I want to install the Trello App on my iPhone. On the phone I have iOS 7. When I try to install the App, it tells me it needs at least version 8 of iOS.

I do not want to upgrade my iOS version, especially for the sole purpose of installing an App. However, I do want to use it, it's kind of important.

I searched for a while about how to do this, but I could only find solutions that would work if you installed the App before and it shows up on the 'Purchases' page in iTunes or something like that. And this doesn't apply to this case.

How can I install an older version of the App (one that requires 'only' iOS 7) without having to upgrade the operating system on my iPhone ?

Radu MurzeaRadu Murzea

4 Answers

Download Earlier Version Of Itunes For 64 Bit

It sounds like the Apple Support article explains what you need to do to get the app in the version you want.

  • Go to the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Press Updates and then press Purchased.
  • When you get there, it should show your Apple account and it will sayMy Purchases.
  • Press that and it will show you all of your apps
  • Find Trello and try to download it. If a version of the app that is compatible with your version of iOS is available on the App Store, it will let you download it to your phone.
  • If the version is not available, go to the iTunes App Store, find the app and click Ratings and Reviews.
  • There is a button there that says App Support. Click that and then put in a query to the developer. They may be able to let you directly download the version of the app that you need from them.

If all of this fails, possibly other options like Todoist have the older version of their app that you can access.

This is unfortunately not going to help you with this app, as it does not sound like you had downloaded this app prior to this question, but it will help you in the event that you accidentally upgrade an app that will then no longer work with your version of iOS.

  1. Go to iTunes and Delete the new version of the App from your library and also from your drive.
  2. Go to the Music>iTunes>iTunes Media>Mobile Applications folder on your drive.
  3. In that folder will be all of the current apps plus a folder called Previous Mobile Applications.
  4. Previous Mobile Applications stores all of the old versions of your Apps each time you do an update through iTunes.
  5. Find the version of the App that works with your version of iOS and drag and drop it onto iTunes. iTunes will reload that version of the App into your library and move the file back into the Mobile Applications Directory.
  6. Delete the app from your phone, then just sync your phone and the old app should be loaded in. You may need to click on the phone and apps in iTunes and have iTunes add it.

Best of luck on getting the app.


Download the 'new' app to your computer so that you have 'ownership'.Now, on your phone, go to the app store and attempt to download from the cloud. You will be told that this version is not compatible and be offered an older version. Accept the offer and you will have a working version on your phone.Don't forget to backup when you are done.


I just did this with the Phillips Hue app (compatible 8.0+) and using iOS 7.0.4. Basically, you download the app from the App Store in your computer. Then, find the app on your phone and instead of Get+ it should display the Cloud download. If the app has an older compatible version available, you should be able to install it. It worked for me!


The answer is not easy given, because if you follow the above Apple instruction, the ipa file would also be in the purchased list of the Appstore...In Mac iTunes 12.3.1 in my ElCapitan all (old and new) are in the same folder 'Mobile Applications' folder, but each app the latest version that was once installed.

Download Old Version Of Itunes For Windows 8 64 Bit


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Can You Download Earlier Versions Of Itunes

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